Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lower Lola Montez Lake, Tahoe Nat'l Forest

Lower Lola Montez Lake

Another delightful overnight with a Meetup group.

About 3 miles each way, this trail is part of a popular mountain bike loop. We saw plenty of riders!

We had 5 people and a dog. One hammocker (me), two tenters, and one person (7lb base weight!) with a tarp.

The people and the dog were all entranced by the resident marmot (sorry, no pictures). A big fellow, bold. Loved to tease the dog. The dog, when not cadging food, spent her time either excavating the marmot, or rolling in fish guts. Not my dog, not my circus, and - thankfully, not in my tent!

Speaking of fish, two of the group brought poles and had a good time catch and release fishing.

I had my usual set up of a hammock. Comfy!

I loafed around, reading a book and trying my hand at a new hobby - sketching!

Dwarf Pine

View from underneath my hammock's tarp

One of our group hiked with a walking boot. I'm starting to understand why she wears the things out over and over again. I admire her persistence, hiking with a broken foot with two more upcoming surgeries.

The weather was nice, just under 80 on Saturday, with a low in the mid 40s. A few mosquitoes, but not too many.

We hiked out on Sunday, stepping down down down several sets of railroad tie steps, and a beat up, rock filled gully (beloved of mountain bikers, I'm sure, not so beloved by me). Much of the route to the lakes is on graveled, private roads.